...a digital video short I made several years ago for the Labrats crew. Inspired by 80's public television amateur shorts, old Disney live action films and guys likes Michel Gondry, Jim Henson, Tim & Eric, and Animal Charm, I enjoy lo-fi film-making. It's so much fun to make! The robot voice is from a rare Boards of Canada piece. Visit www.dublab.com for information on future Labrats shows! They're really nice people excited about film and music.
Although I can't brag full comprehension of their elusive ideas, I'm a big post-modern philospher otaku ... guess who's who! (Lyotard, Deleuze, Foucault, and Derrida)
Hi everyone! Inspired by my good friend Ben's blog, I've started this in hope to share my artwork and ideas with anyone that's interested. These are a good start because I think they show my state of mind these days. The first is a piece I made for my friend Chris down in Los Angeles, and the drawings are from my sketchbook. Thanks for stopping by and I hope all is well!